Hello! I’m Laura

and I’m so glad you’re here

My goal and intention is to empower you to reclaim and step back into your innate power to enhance all areas of your life - health, mindset, time, relationships, purpose & love - create desired results, peace in your mind & joy in your heart!

My Story

My most pivotal realization was…

When I finally recognized how I had been turning my back ON MYSELF pretty much my whole life in pretty much all areas of my life. Now, if someone were to have said that to me 10 years ago, I would have dismissed it because I wouldn’t have understood while I continued along completely unaware…

I haven’t always been on a spiritual or personal growth journey…

Up until a few years ago, I was career focused in corporate finance and had spent my life deep in the…. people-pleasing, obligation, never saying no, proving &/or justifying my worth, just suck it up and warrior through - mode. A serial over-doer (which I now know was to keep myself from my own truth and feeling my feelings), balancing over-loaded plates, wearing all kinds of hats, all at the mercy of myself and my health.

Although it has always been my nature to keep a positive attitude and find the silver lining in every situation, I was really struggling. It was all catching up with me and making itself obvious emotionally and physically. Honestly I felt like crap. I was sluggish, battled with cystic acne, my hair was falling out, I had all kinds of gut & hormonal issues, compared myself and my life with others (cue the stinkin’ thinkin’), drank too much too often and was wearing this look - exhausted and haggard…

Do you know the feeling?

The feeling of giving your absolute ALL to every facet of your life - the employee, mother, chef, maid, wife, daughter, friend, etc - and always left with the feeling of coming up short? Never enough &/or inadequate on all fronts no matter how hard you try? And in my case, I flaked on pretty much anything that would have served me – I just couldn’t bring myself to keep commitments that I made to me and then proceeded to beat myself up for it over and over again! That was actually my bedtime ritual, sweet dreams! I was living under the LIE that everyone and everything else is a priority; I just didn’t make the cut.

The universe delivers gifts that can be mighty if you grab hold of them …

So that was me, grinding through my days wishing things were different but not taking any action because I was too exhausted! I’d rather just be resentful and bitch about it in my head or daydream about the life I was convinced wasn’t for me. But, in 2012, while in the thick of my “situation” I described above, I was unexpectedly presented with an opportunity with a network marketing company called Arbonne. I knew nothing about that company or industry at all, but I did feel an undeniable “tug” in my gut to take a closer look. Something about it felt really intriguing to me.

Little did I know that that opportunity would introduce me to the wonderful world of personal growth and development, a world I have NO IDEA I needed but man did I ever!!! While building that business, so much of my own “trash” was revealed to me and I was so inspired and determined to deal with it all and move on as a better version of myself.

My BOOM moment…

Once I started my journey of personal reflection, deep healing, and realizing how I had abandoned myself on repeat most of my life I was hooked. I started to see how I was continuously pushing myself away - my needs, wants and desires to the side - in service to everything and everyone else, all on my own accord…. I’m sorry, what?! That realization was mind blowing to me – that I had CHOSEN all of it and I didn’t HAVE to do any of it?! I had been blindly choosing it to the detriment of myself and then proceeded to tell myself all kinds of lies which kept me limited and resentful. Ugh. But the truth was (and is), I could CHOOSE AGAIN and again and again. My mind went BOOM and I started to choose again.

Then what …?

Part of my journey was ultimately leaving the corporate world behind, which included my identity that I was so attached to (just another page in the growth book I had to tackle!). I felt very exposed without that identity blanket but I was divinely led to where I am today through what some might call a series of “woo-woo” events. In a nutshell, my soul-pup Bella encountered a traumatic dog bite which brought me to my real life angel (Intuitive Healer) who revealed I would be a Life Coach (to which I scoffed) and introduced me to The Life Coach School. Just a few months later, I became a student of The Life Coach School and after lots of self-coaching I eventually felt called to get Certified as a Life Coach and I’ve gotta say... this is so my jam!

And so …

Bit by bit and with a lot of focused intention, reflection, healing and trial & error (which I still do today!), I’ve started to rebuild a relationship with myself – where I listen to and validate my feelings, thoughts, needs and desires and honour them throughout my day. I’m finally putting myself ON my to-do list and commit to it, which is building a level of self-trust where I can count on me to do what I intend while having my own back. I’m kinder to myself and I go to bed focusing only on what was awesome rather than beating myself up for all the things I didn’t do. To my amazement, that life I thought wasn’t for me is actually possible as long as I stick WITH me like I would my life-long bestie…

There you have it. I showed you mine, and I’d be honoured to help you with yours …

It’s totally possible if you have a tug in your gut and willingness in your heart! I am committed to creating a comfortable, loving space free from judgement where YOU, just as you are, will be honoured and validated. Together, you will lead me and I will guide you, every step of the way to ultimately get you to the place you want to be… can you just imagine? What would it mean if you:

  • put yourself on your list and honour the commitments you make to yourself

  • let go of the past and focus on moving toward the future you WANT

  • improve your relationships (especially with yourself!) not by capitulating but by standing in your truth, with love!

  • tackle that seemingly never-ending “to-do” list

  • achieve that goal, kick that habit &/or build a new one

  • STOP beating yourself up and START being kinder to yourself

  • Went to bed at night with peace, pride and contentment

  • and so much more…

I’m here for you when you’re ready,

Laura xox


I believe:

We are divinely led throughout our lives to bring us where we are ultimately meant to be. Even the hardest moments are happening FOR us (often not obvious at the time!). If we can recognize this, while developing trust and faith, we can drop resistance, move into acceptance and regain control - so liberating!

I’m not about:

Indulging (for too long) in blame, victimhood, making excuses or having expectations of others because, speaking from experience, that requires us to give our power away to another. Finding our part in each situation and taking responsibility for it immediately gives us our power ball back and the clarity to decide for ourselves.

You can find me:

Enjoying a book, music, long walks, doing a puzzle usually while listening to a podcast and spending time with my family and dear friends. I (now) truly relish in my own company and enjoy the most simplest things in life!

Daily rituals:

I strive to go to bed each night with the thought “….that was awesome” after reflecting on my day. I love me a good weekday routine and create & follow an intentional schedule I set weekly which is one of my fav topics to coach on - it’s pure MAGIC! It includes ALL things that need to get done including things for me (yes!) - meditation, exercise, meal plan/prep and time with my soul-pup & family are priorities for me :)

Questions? Let’s Chat.

Book a complimentary 30 minute mini session with me to see if I’m the coach for you!