“Laura has been such a helpful tool when it comes to me navigating different struggles in my business, personal life and relationships. She is kind and gentle when I need it but also somehow asks the right questions to make me focus on solutions that will work for me. The comfort level of a session with Laura is one of sitting with your best nonjudgmental friend. I have sought out help from many professionals and cannot recommend Laura enough!”

— Dawn J

“Laura has a very special gift and I think she’s been put on this planet to help us shine our light and walk our own uniquely lit path. She balances pragmatism with possibilities guiding you to gently shift your perspective and gain back your personal power. The changes were immediate from my first session with Laura and my life has begun to unfold in ways that I never would have imagined.”

— Luvena H

“Coaching with Laura was such an eye-opening experience for me. I am always amazed at how with every session I’ve had with her, she is able to guide me to the root of the issue in a gentle and non-judgmental way. She listens deeply and creates and holds such a beautiful and safe space for an open and honest dialogue, which I greatly value. I always feel better at the end of a session with her guidance and ability to see the things that I haven’t yet pieced together. Laura is deeply insightful with such a caring and calm demeanour that makes you instantly feel better by being in her presence. I’m so grateful to have experienced coaching with her.”

— Stacey C

“Laura is a very practical, empathetic individual with a huge heart. Her insightful approach to coaching has lead to a fundamental shift in the way I interpret situations and helped me manage my destructive patterns of thinking. After meeting with Laura I always feel more grounded and relaxed. I am grateful for her wise advice and continued support.”

— Rebecca J

“I have greatly enjoyed my conversations with Laura. She is an attentive and active listener - no subject is off the table. Laura is empathetic and demonstrates a true understanding of what I'm going through. Laura has been able to offer me some immediate concrete strategies to implement into my life that have resulted in real change! I look forward to working with her in the future.”

— Erin A